Rider Pride Punch!

Okay so here’s a drink that should help see all melonheads through the gut churning of this year’s Grey Cup.
1 watermelon
2 limes
White Owl Whisky
Orange Bitters

Buy a pack of fresh mint from the supermarket, and coarsly chop it and add it to the bottom of the punch bowl. Add a teaspoon or so of granulated sugar and muddle the bits with the sugar and either a muddler (best) or a potato masher.

Cut the water melon in half, and remove all the seeds. Scoop out the fruit and mash it thoroughly in a bowl. (If you’re in Debutante Ball/Martha Stewert mode strain through cheese cloth… but this is a football party, dammit!)

Add a cup of White Owl Rye, and stir.

Juice both limes into the punch bowl, and stir.

Add a few drops of orange bitters, and a bunch of ice.

If this is insufficiently sweet, I’d suggest a shot of Midori, or Cointreau or Grand Marnier. For me, this is overkill.
Makes about 1 Litre.

Regular Rye can be substituted but the punch looks better with White Owl.

You can run the lot through a blender but it looks a little off putting and really isn’t necessary.

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