
So what’s wrong with this picture. Bottle of wine: check. Catchy label:check. Screwtop: check… Hey wait a minute here! This wine is from Portugal! Didn’t they pass a law that all Portuguese wine had to be corked with the real thing? It makes sense. Portugal produces about 90% of the world’s cork. Their cork forests… Continue reading Screwy

Job Perks (or perquisites if you’re feeling all academic)

Every once in a while, somebody shows me an old bottle of wine and asks what I think. Normally the wine is not very good wine to begin with, and has been badly stored for way too long. However a couple of months ago a friend showed me five bottles ranging from a ’69 champagne,… Continue reading Job Perks (or perquisites if you’re feeling all academic)

The Strawberry Daiquiri

It being that time of year, I made a genuine strawberry daiquiri. This isn’t the travesty you likely get in most bars. Like all good drinks it’s dead easy to make, taking about 3 minutes start to finish. The key of course is to use fresh ingredients, uncut by sulfites, sulfates, sugars and salt. I… Continue reading The Strawberry Daiquiri

Summer Wine

There is very little as fine, as sitting in the sun and drinking crisp white wine. Most people drink fairly round wines, softened by MLF (not to be confused with MILF. MLF = Malolactic fermentation. For MILF find your own link.) But the reason a beer is so much better than a pop in the… Continue reading Summer Wine

The Drink That Dare Not Speak its Name

So who out there likes sparkling shiraz? Who has ever tried the stuff? Produced in Australia since the 1830s, it took the country by storm in the last decade and is now the Oz aperitif of choice. This either proves they’re a bunch of red neck heathens, or possibly more willing to experiment than the… Continue reading The Drink That Dare Not Speak its Name