New Zealand Day 4 – Syrah

So remember the syrah I turned my nose up at, on the flight over? Boy was I ever wrong! I knew about the NZ Pinot Noir coming over. And I had heard that there were various Bordeaux blends from Hawkes Bay. But NOBODY was talking about syrah. Well they should. This is a different style… Continue reading New Zealand Day 4 – Syrah

Categorized as Wine

New Zealand Day 1

Off down under, to cold rainy weather. It’s winter in the southern hemisphere, and having a very temperate climate, the Kiwi’s like to pretend you don’t need heat. Ahem. Air New Zealand flight cramped – I hate 777 3-3-3 layout. But the food is well above average for plane food, and the wine selection very… Continue reading New Zealand Day 1

Categorized as Wine

Bubbly Primer

Sparkling wine is now made all over the world to generally very high standards. I would encourage you to sample them all. (Unless you’re absurdly wealthy. Then by all means limit yourself to champagne and sneer at the rest of us plebes.) For those of you who are relatively new to bubbly, and champagne, here’s… Continue reading Bubbly Primer

Categorized as Wine