Okay, so gotta get some stuff in the pipe, as I’ll be travelling a lot. I am going to do a bridges column on Forty Creek Port wood reserve. I decide it’s time for another skyline Saskatoon shot. Damn but it’s cold out there. Windy too. I don’t want the railing in the pic, so… Continue reading The Adventuresome life of a Booze Journalist
Author: james romanow
Bacardi MMXXII
Bacardi has just released MMXXII to celebrate 150 years of rum. It’s a blend of 20 year old rum finished in cognac casks. And of course it comes in a numbered decanter. 1000 were bottled but only 400 distributed outside the Family. The price? Well probably whatever your dealer wants to charge depending on how… Continue reading Bacardi MMXXII
Nancy G’s Famous Salmon Rub
For everyone who was at Premier luncheon yesterday, here’s the Salmon recipe I mentioned. In addition to being the President of a large national publisher, Nancy is an excellent cook. Here’s her recipe if you want to replicate the challenge in original form. She tells me she got the original from “The Girls Who Dish:… Continue reading Nancy G’s Famous Salmon Rub
More Adventures in Wines that’s “Screwed”
So Ladies and Gentlemen, the plot is thickening steadily! Yesterday, I had a conversation with a winery owner who had to trash half a bottling run (!Sob!) because it was ‘corked.’ And of course he has bottled nothing but screwtop for years. The wine was bottled in two batches. The first half, the 8 to… Continue reading More Adventures in Wines that’s “Screwed”
Corked Wine in a Screwtop?
It’s official folks. I finally got a ‘corked’ (i.e. contaminated with either TCA or TBA, ) bottle of wine under a screwtop. I thought I was hallucinating. I left the bottle on the counter and tried it again this morning when my buds were freshest. Still tainted. Wife didn’t like it either. I called the… Continue reading Corked Wine in a Screwtop?